

Real-time reporting made simple

Our proprietary software, MyQuality, uses your data to create reports that fulfill your requirements, identify opportunities, and measure results objectively. All the information you need is right at your fingertips, allowing you to track the progress of your teams and individuals in real time. MyQuality manages the complete quality assurance process from quality monitoring and coaching to calibration and dispute challenges—and all your data is in easily customizable formats that fit your company’s needs and tease out the data-driven insights you’re looking for.
Illustration representing accessibility.
Access real-time data at any time from any web-enabled device.
Illustration representing custom audits.
Custom audits
Get unlimited user-customized reporting, compatible with your forms.
Illustration representing imported data.
Import Data
Seamlessly bring in outside data sources such as customer satisfaction, customer relationship management, rosters, and speech analytics.
Illustration representing roles in an organization.
Role-based dashboard

Customizable interface fits all roles within your organization. 

Illustration representing personalized reports.
Personalized reports and alerts
Detailed analytics reports built by our development team are customized to meet specific client needs.
Illustration representing visualization.
Turn any text into an image with the chart/graph feature.
Illustration representing emailed alerts.
Emailed alerts
Create instant email alerts for “event triggers,” and address them immediately.
Illustration representing engagement.
Schedule email reports to stakeholders directly from the dashboard.

Connect With Us

Talk with our experienced and trained analysts to see how we can increase your productivity, profitability, and customer satisfaction.
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