Contract Number: W52P1J-18-D-A030
Contract Period: 09/25/2018 – 06/30/2028
Ceiling: $12,100,000,000
Contract Types: Firm Fixed Price (FFP); Cost Reimbursable (CR), and Time and Materials (T&M)
Benefits of using ITES-3S:
CHESS IT e-mart
Points of Contact:
Program Manager: Jignesh GodaVice President[email protected]703.752.5520
Contracts:Dwayne HarrisContracts Manager[email protected]703.206.6188
Our Certifications: Cognosante is a CMMI DEV and SVC Maturity Level 3 appraised and ISO 9001:2015, 20000-1:2018, and 27001:2013 certified company.
IT Enterprise Services and Solutions, LLC (ITES Solutions) is a prime contractor on the Information Technology Enterprise Solutions 3 Services (ITES-3S) Multiple Award Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (MA IDIQ) contract vehicle. ITES-3S is the Army’s primary source of IT-related services worldwide. The objective of the ITES-3S contract vehicle is to meet the Army’s enterprise infrastructure and infostructure goals with a full range of innovative, world-class Information Technology (IT) support services and solutions at a fair and reasonable price. ITES Solutions’ extensive and affordable IT services and solutions are fully aligned with this objective.